Media ArtsAnimation

Collage of a professor leading class and two students constructing models.

BFA and BS in AnimationBring New Worlds to Life.

全球网络赌博平台的课程涉及到电脑动画从构思到制作的各个方面 建模,纹理,索具,动画,照明,渲染和后期制作 以及辅助学科,如表演、计算机编程和电影.

就业机会包括:电影/广播动画师,电影/广播建模师,游戏 动画师,建模师,数字雕塑家,设计师,CAD设计师,纹理画家和运动 graphic artist

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Why animate at Jacksonville University?Animation Now and For the Future.

全球网络赌博平台的课程以动画知识为基础,由全球网络赌博平台的老师研究 并从全球网络赌博平台的校友和专业人士的经验中获得信息. 全球网络赌博平台严格的课程为您提供立即适销对路的技能和专业技能 能够适应动画行业不断变化的大环境.

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Eric KunzendorfProfessor of Animation

Eric Kunzendorf一直在大学教授计算机图形学和动画 在过去的二十年里,他在杰克逊维尔大学 新罕布什尔艺术学院,亚特兰大艺术学院和视觉学院 Arts’ Savannah campus. He holds a Bachelors of Arts in Art history from Columbia University 并获得佐治亚大学绘画专业美术硕士学位. Eric has contributed to several books including “Mastering Maya 8.5”, “Mastering Maya 7”, “Maya 5 Savvy” and  “Maya: Secrets of the Pros Vol. 1”. His animations, “Final “项目分配”和“盒子里的哑剧”都曾在Siggraph Computer上亮相 Animation Festival in 1999 and 2000 respectively. His 2004 animation "The Secret Life 《全球网络赌博平台》获得东南数字艺术节第一名. His animation 《全球赌博十大网站》于2010年在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔举行的CitrusCel动画节上亮相. 最近,他的动画《全球网络赌博平台》出现在2013年的CitrusCel动画中 以及2013年约翰逊市的蓝梅动画节 City, Tennessee. He has also exhibited computer-generated prints on the regional and national level.Most recently, his animation “datastreamimagination” won an Honorabl 在2019年佛罗里达动画节上被提及,并出现在著名的布雷肯里奇 Film Festival in Breckenridge, Colorado.

Art Scholarships Pay for Your Education

媒体艺术系根据创作价值提供动画奖学金 and potential for growth you demonstrate with your portfolio. To be eligible, you 必须创建或已经创建了一个数字作品集,你必须提交 it either electronically or in person during one of our auditions. Review our audition dates, and then check out Eric's tips on creating a digital portfolio that more than fulfills our requirements, plus how to save your portfolio as a PDF.

Eric Kunzendorf教授指出ZBrush的功能,以一类动画学生.

Animation Philosophy We Breathe Life Into Everything We Do!

A student examines a dolphin 3D print."Animate" means literally “to give life to; make alive;” and that describes what we do at every level of production. The objective of Animation at Jacksonville University 是在你上的每一堂课和每个项目中培养那种“呼吸”的水平 you create. Models are more than just points, lines and polygons; they tell compelling stories about the subject and your skill. You will learn the technical skills to create 一个流体或粒子模拟,但你作为艺术家和动画师讲述的故事 瀑布或熔岩流,模拟意味着通过纹理,照明来表现 and rendering.

你开始学习的动画学科将不同于 when you finish; it changes very, very quickly. Therefore, adaptability including 快速学习和融入新发展的能力将使你脱颖而出 mere operators of software. We find that exposing you to a broad range of disciplines 在动画和更广泛的艺术和科学范围内培养适应性 and prepares you for a wide range of jobs within this field. Our liberal arts core is our great strength in this area.

全球网络赌博平台所有的课程都是小班授课,由展览艺术家,活跃的电影制作人和 实践设计师,他们代表了你想成为的人的典范. 全球网络赌博平台保持了较低的师生比例,但学生来自多个学科 参加全球网络赌博平台的课程,你将获得与未来的商务人士共事的经验, nurses, athletes, doctors, and lawyers as well as other artists.

A student painting a mounted 3D print.

Visiting Artists

全球网络赌博平台欢迎来访的各级动画师和艺术家,并参观了当地的企业 where our animators work after graduation.

David Komoroski

Head of Characters, Creative Director, Wonder Dynamics 

David Komorowski是一位动画大师,他目前是创意总监和负责人 of Characters at Wonder Dynamics, based in Hollywood, CA.  He worked for over 18 years 在迪士尼担任过各种角色,参与过《全球网络赌博平台》、《全球网络赌博平台》、 and Big Hero 6.  

Brian Salisbury


在他的电影、游戏、计算机图形学和学术界的职业生涯中,他专门 在3D角色制作,角色动画,动作捕捉和技术艺术. 在犹他大学和中央大学学术服务之前 在佛罗里达,Brian曾在包括Microsoft Game在内的多家工作室担任角色主管 工作室,Take Two Interactive和Kodiak Interactive,并担任高级数字雕塑家 at Viewpoint Datalabs.

MacArthur Freeman, II

Associate Professor of Animation & Digital Modeling, University of South Florida

麦克阿瑟·弗里曼二世是一位视觉艺术家和设计师,他的作品探索了混合性 and the construction of identity. His works have ranged from surreal narrative paintings 和绘图到数字构建的雕塑对象和动画3D场景. His 最近的作品结合了三种相互关联的新兴技术:数字雕刻, 3D scanning, and 3D printing. Freeman’s work has been published in Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art 并在美国参加了50多次群展和个展. Freeman 在佛罗里达大学获得绘画学士学位. He received his MFA from Cornell University with a concentration in Painting. He also holds a 北卡罗来纳州立大学动画与新艺术设计硕士 Media. Freeman目前继续使用数字工具来解决传统流程 as he explores hybrid ways of making and thinking about art.

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