Center for Gender + Sexuality


Empowering you.

性别与性取向中心的使命是提升不同的声音和 perspectives. 全球网络赌博平台为海豚社区的所有成员提供机会 explore, organize, and promote learning around issues of gender and sexuality.

为了更好地回应女性和LGBTQIAA+群体的需求, 全球网络赌博平台组织的活动,如小组讨论的政策决定,小组 讨论与LGBTQIAA+和女性经历相关的话题,安全空间 study halls, health fairs, and much more. 

位于JU的Swisher图书馆的中心二楼,CG+S提供了一个空间 安全的学习和聚会空间,以及与LGBTQIAA+经历相关的资源 people and women.

The CG+S also houses JU's Women's and Gender Studies minor.






性别与性取向研究中心向所有 attended our events this semster and this school year. Please join us next semster for more events hosted by the center!



Join us in the CG+S every Friday at 1pm for 每周的性别确认咨询小组会议和每周三下午2点的格林 Dot Office Hours with therapy dog, Hero!




Learn, Connect, EmpowerLearn more about the Center for Gender + Sexuality at JU

性别与性取向中心为JU社区提供了一个学习、成长、 and connect. 无论你是在寻找研究和体验式学习的机会 或者有机会参与校园活动和社区,看看CG+S, located in Swisher Library.

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Center for Gender + Sexuality

Dr. Sarah Parker:

全球网络赌博平台希望照顾者在带他们的学生来杰克逊维尔时感到自信 University. 他们得到了良好的教育,同时也得到了照顾 as a whole person. We provide students with a place to learn, a place to explore, and a place to embrace their intellectual curiosity. That also means a place to feel 一个让他们有安全感的地方,在那里他们可以更多地了解他人和自己, 可以在大学毕业后进入社会,成为那种善良的领导者, 富有同情心和同理心,这绝对是全球网络赌博平台这一代人所需要的.


Frankie Nunziata:

我来JU的原因之一是因为它是如此的开放,包容和 我了解到性别和性取向中心开了 fall of 2022. 虽然我并不想找一个学期的工作,但我确实想找 参与到社区中来,这是非常注重包容性的 and research.


Dr. Christine Sapienza:

We're all about students and student outcomes. I think students have a lot of choices 如今在哪里追求教育,他们不得不来到一个环境 that's comfortable for them. They have to come to an environment that's welcoming. 我认为,这个中心对创造一个温馨环境的影响真的是 intuitive. 我的意思是,你怎么可能没有一个研究性别和性的中心在今天 world?


Dr. Sarah Parker:

其中一件事是如此鼓舞人心,几乎到了压倒性的地步 对我来说是件好事,是我从学生那里得到的回应. the JU Campus Community of faculty, staff. When they hear about the center, people are so excited 中心的使命和它所能完成的潜能.


Frankie Nunziata:

我觉得每个人都应该得到尊重和包容的权利. It's just 很高兴知道校园也完全支持LGBTQIA人群 在安全的校园里,有这样的声音和能力做你自己 空间,如果你需要的话,可以找人和你说话,还有 community where everyone supports who you are. It's just such a wonderful thing, and it's something that everyone deserves to feel.


Reframing campus perspectives

CG+S推广妇女和性别研究辅修课程,并将学生与校园联系起来 专门针对LGBTQIAA+人群和女性的健康和保健资源. This new 中心将创造机会,重新构建校园的观点,如何交叉 性别、性别、种族、年龄、阶级、国籍、民族、能力等 身份会影响一个人的社会、文化、教育和政治经历 Jacksonville University campus community. 

Notable Resources

Meet Our Team

Meet our PHINtasic staff! 

Dr. Sarah Parker

Dr. Sarah Parker, Director of the Center for Gender + Sexuality

Dr. 帕克是JU的英语教授和CG+S的首任董事. She is passionate about education, mentorship, and allyship. She is also the faculty advisor to the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) student organization. 

“我喜欢性别与性取向研究中心的原因是这里有很多机会 for every member of the JU community to get involved. Students can connect with CG+S-sponsored 活动,在社交媒体上与全球网络赌博平台互动,或者只是享受这个空间作为学习的地方, spend time, learn, and decompress. We also invite students to connect with us and 使用CG+S让他们有能力去追求自己的想法和兴趣. We invite proposals 从研究项目到全校范围内的活动,全球网络赌博平台鼓励 对CG+S有学术兴趣的学生可以加入妇女和性别研究 minor."


Francesco "Frankie" Nunziata

Francesco“Frankie”Nunziata(他/他)是一名海洋科学专业的学生,也是首席学生 Associate for the Center for Gender + Sexuality. As a transgender queer man, he is 他是LGBTQ+个人权利的公开倡导者,他帮助推动了 中心的使命,提供信息,研究和推广. 

“作为LGBTQ+社区的一员,搬到佛罗里达并不是一个容易的决定. I 我想去一所大学,在那里我不仅会感到安全和尊重,而且会有归属感 of a community as well. The Center for Gender + Sexuality offered me a safe space 也是一个学习的地方,同时我也在摸索大学生活的方方面面. Not only CG+S是一个安全的学习和放松的地方,但它是一个学习、探索和探索的地方 foster friendships with other like-minded people."


Antonia Caruncho

Social Media Coordinator


Part of your campus culture

  • JU Dancing Group

    JU Dancing Group

  • 2024 Gender Inclusive Fashion Show

    2024 Gender Inclusive Fashion Show

  • JU Pride

    JU Pride

Contact for more information

Dr. Sarah Parker


Director of the Center for Gender + Sexuality (CGS)

Email address

Directory entry  About Dr. Sarah Parker


Frankie Nunziata


Student Associate

Email address

Contact Information Center for Gender + Sexuality (CGS)


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