
杰克逊维尔大学 电影 students working on set.


电影艺术学士学位和电影科学学士学位为学生提供 通过独立电影创作的全面经验 a rigorous, hands-on production centered curriculum.

JU电影计划努力创造大师视觉故事讲述者谁可以连接 their audiences intellectually and emotionally.




Check-in for each audition or portfolio review will be at Terry Concert Hall.

Why 电影 at 杰克逊维尔大学?

JU的电影课程通过培训未来的创造性创新者 运动影像的工艺美术的各个方面,从审美到审美 技术. We affirm the importance of storytelling as the form in which human beings give weight and meaning to the most important passage of their lives.



JU 电影 Sizzle Reel


There is no speech in this video. An instrumental piece of music plays throughout.



亚历克斯的电影和剧本使他成为国际获奖的电影制作人. Notably, his feature screenplay, 家,免费 won Best Breakout Screenplay at the Oaxaca 电影 Fest in Oaxaca, Mexico.

他为众多客户执导和拍摄了许多项目,包括电影 portions of the music video for “Semicircle Song” by UK-based group, The Go! 团队. 亚历克斯在杰克逊维尔大学主持菲亚特·勒克斯电影节,并担任过 西班牙文化电影节和杰克逊维尔舞蹈电影节的评委 及独立精神奖.

亚历克斯擅长编写和导演小成本电影,是2021年的一员 Jacksonville 电影 and Television Industry’s Rising Stars. 他的处女作, 艾伯特和克劳德,这部由他自编自导自演的影片曾在全球范围内放映. 在这些荣誉中,有一些是在马里纳德雷电影节上获得的官方提名 在加州洛杉矶的维罗海滩电影节和世界电影节的决赛奖项 – Houston 国际 电影 Festival and Screen ATX in Austin, Texas. 艾伯特和克劳德 is now available VOD on Prime Video and Tubi. 


Sonali Udaybabu

Sonali Udaybabu is an Indian filmmaker based. She received her Master of Arts from AJK Mass Communication Research Center, Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi. 她有 在媒体和行动主义的各个领域工作过,包括广告,出版, media management, queer feminist activism, and sexual health and rights. 她一直在 a Robert Flaherty 电影 Seminar Fellow and a Saryu Doshi 研究生 Fellow. 作为一个电影制作人, 她曾以作家、制片人、编辑、导演和电影摄影师的身份参与多个项目. 她的电影兴趣在于纪录片的形式及其艺术可能性 在理解自我方面.

Dana Schmalenberg

Dana Schmalenberg是一位编剧,拥有佛罗里达州立大学文学硕士学位 a BFA from the Ohio State University. 她有 sold TV shows to NBC, FOX and the CW, as well as feature films to Disney, Warner Brothers and New Regency. 她最近 为Netflix联合编写了原创电影《全球赌博十大网站》,并改编了《全球网络赌博平台》 City” author Candace Bushnell’s novel, “Trading Up” for Lifetime Television.


杰瑞·史密斯 is the founder and CEO of PineRidge 电影 & 电视公司. 史密斯是一个 internationally recognized writer, producer, and director of lifestyle television programs, TV commercials, corporate image campaigns and online content. PineRidge的 program development division, has taken home six National Daytime Emmy Awards and eleven Emmy nominations in the past nine years. Mr. Smith was honored in 2012 as a 电影佛罗里达传奇由电影佛罗里达州电影专员和最近 杰克逊维尔市获得2016年电影和电视工业奖 成就奖.


比尔山持有the University的电子媒介艺术硕士学位 of Florida with a primary focus on time-based media and interaction. 作为独立人士 他的实验和叙事作品曾在全国展出和放映 与国际. His work has also been published in numerous periodicals and 除了这本书,还有《全球网络赌博平台》、《全球赌博十大网站》和《全球网络赌博平台》等报纸 entitled "Art, Technology, Consciousness: Mind @ Large."



校友 Natassja Eebert on location with cameraNatassja艾伯特

Natassja艾伯特目前是一名自由摄影师和摄影师 离开纽约. She initially filmed sports, beginning in ESPN3 on campus which led her to employment in the NBA Summer League and the NFL Draft 2019. 毕业后,她 曾与The Color production House和Gesundheit Media等制作公司合作, 为美联社、《全球赌博十大网站》、Visa、摩根士丹利和微软做项目, 在许多其他方面.

现在,她专注于人道主义故事的讲述,为非政府组织拍摄 as they aid crisis zones worldwide. She documented for World Central Kitchen as they 多里安飓风后的巴哈马和纽约市在飓风期间的covid - 19应对措施 the lockdown from March-September 2020. While working with World Central Kitchen, 她的视频被用于《全球网络赌博平台》和奥巴马的“美国食品基金”活动 和莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥一起为美国各地的食品组织筹款.

目前,她正在制作一部关于josess andr厨师的电影,这是一部由导演的故事片 by Ron Howard and partnered with National Geographic. 继续播报新闻 粮食短缺,记录这次大流行的关键时刻,并协助生产者 as they piece together this narrative of crisis aid.



安德烈Labous speaks to JU 电影 students.


andr Labous是一名有25年以上经验的DP/导演,专注于电影灯光和 为全国各地的制作公司和广告公司提供摄像技术; and such clients as NASCAR Productions, NFL 电影s, NBC Golf and the WTA. 他专业 在广播商业和纪录片工作中使用阿里阿米拉包,他 拥有并经营. His resume of work includes spots for M&M's, Aspen Dental, Lowe's, 梅纳德,佛罗里达彩票,5小时能源,受伤勇士计划,消防站潜艇, 杰克逊维尔美洲虎.


丽塔·科伯恩是皮博迪和艾美奖获奖导演、编剧和制片人 nearly four decades in radio, television and film. Beginning her career as a producer and writer for various news outlets across the U.S., Coburn went on to produce for the likes of The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah Radio, Apollo Live! 和华特迪士尼制作公司. 2022年,科伯恩制作并导演了《全球网络赌博平台》。 2016年,《全球赌博十大网站》(Maya Angelou: and Still I Rise)在PBS首播 并由Coburn联合制作,在2016年圣丹斯电影节上首映,并继续进行 2017年获得皮博迪奖. The documentary featured interviews conducted by Coburn 与世界知名的人才和公众人物——比尔·克林顿总统、希拉里 Clinton, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Cicely Tyson, Quincy Jones, and more.


As an actress, writer and director, Rachel has 活了一千辈子. 通过她在戏剧和电影制作方面的丰富经验,她培养了深厚的 knowledge of narrative production for stage and screen. 除了创作和 她在巴黎上演戏剧作品,并在法国电视节目中担任主演 曾与超级明星文森特·卡塞尔和 XXX. For Netflix, she wrote and directed the worldwide hit film 危险的关系, a large production with a budget of six million Euros. And she has recently completed her first American Independent feature film, 希腊:母亲永不死,她在她居住的佛罗里达州阿米莉亚岛编剧、导演和制作 with her husband and two children.

所有的艺术 & 设计程序

艺术学院 & 设计 offers several other programs of study. 了解更多关于 the programs available at 杰克逊维尔大学.

所有的艺术 & 设计程序