

杰克逊维尔大学 proudly offers a Bachelor of Science degree in 物理 and 辅修物理. Our physics major program is carefully planned to give students a thorough understanding of the core ideas and fundamental laws that shape our universe. It's a great fit for those excited to study the complexities of natural events from 科学的观点. 
Our curriculum connects physics with other key science areas like Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biophysics, Neuroscience, Chemical 物理, Geophysics, and Environmental Science. This shows how relevant 物理 is and how it can be applied across many fields, building 一个跨学科学习的基地. We emphasize the close relationships between 物理, Mathematics, and Computing, leading to a well-rounded scientific education. 
The 物理 major at 杰克逊维尔大学 is flexible to support different educational 职业目标. It's an excellent choice for students interested in a liberal arts environment, as well as those preparing for careers in Engineering, Law, Medicine, 商业,还是教育. The program's adaptability allows students to focus their upper-level coursework on specific interests in related areas like Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, and Neuroscience. 
Our 物理 program also incorporates an entry into the study of quantum computing and artificial intelligence, highlighting the cutting-edge applications of physics. For students set on 物理 or closely related technical fields, our department offers a range of advanced courses to deepen their knowledge and prepare them for the future. Our aim is to equip graduates with the skills and understanding needed to succeed 在迅速发展的科学领域. 
杰克逊维尔大学 provides an educational experience that fosters intellectual growth, creative thinking, and a passion for exploration. 全球网络赌博平台邀请您加入全球网络赌博平台 as we uncover the mysteries of the universe through the study of physics. 


At 杰克逊维尔大学, our revamped physics curriculum empowers graduates with the knowledge, skills, and adaptability required to excel in an increasingly technology-driven 跨学科的世界.  

  • Solid grounding in the core principles of classical and modern 物理 through comprehensive coursework, practical laboratory experiences, and theoretical comprehension. 
  • Emphasis on quantum physics, with research projects and coursework from the sophomore year, culminating in a rigorous study of quantum mechanics and active participation in quantum physics or quantum computing research during the senior year. 
  • Introduction to quantum computing and artificial intelligence through dedicated courses, preparing students for careers at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation. 
  • 研究 Experience for 本科 Students: Opportunities for students to participate in cutting-edge research projects, fostering hands-on experience and preparing them 为未来的学术或行业职业. Our students have been successfully recommended for prestigious 研究 Experience for 本科s (REU) programs at institutions like the University of Notre Dame and Texas A&米大学. 
  • Development of critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving capabilities, enabling graduates to tackle complex challenges in physics and interdisciplinary contexts. 
  • Versatile skill set encompassing physics, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, opening up a wide range of career paths, including graduate studies, quantum information science, AI research, data analytics, and various other physics-related 域.

Our modern physics curriculum fosters innovation, cultivates adaptability, and empowers students to become leaders in the ever-evolving fields of science and technology. 

Diverse Career Paths for JU 物理 研究生s 

物理 graduates have a wide range of career options. 许多人继续研究生学习 with full scholarships and generous stipends, often exceeding $30,000 annually. 其他人 directly enter the workforce in roles like research at technology companies, consulting, data analysis, software development, finance, and government agencies. 
The JU 物理 program equips graduates with strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of scientific principles. 这种多才多艺的技能 set prepares them to excel in their chosen careers, whether in academia or industry, while fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a passion for exploration. 



专业 & 项目

需要更多信息? 博士联系. 还是陈光耀吧 招生办公室.

Dr. 光耀陈
(904) 256-7868
梅里特·彭蒂科夫204                                                                                                                                          ychen3@bomabearing.com









(904) 256-7300