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Meet the Staff

Portrait of Allana FortéAllana Forté (She/her)

高级副总裁,法律顾问和首席合规官,首席人事和 Culture Officer


  • B.S. University of Florida (concentration in Education)
  • J.D. 斯泰森大学法学院(集中审判倡导)

About Allana

Allana担任高级副总裁、首席法律顾问和首席人事 Culture Officer at Jacksonville University. In addition to leading compliance and 负责大学的法律事务,Allana还负责领导招聘 and retention initiatives for faculty and staff. She oversees activities performed 包括福利、招聘、薪酬、 员工关系、培训和员工认可项目. Allana serves as the 担任员工认可委员会及教职员健康委员会主席.

作为一名训练有素的倡导者,阿拉娜认为她向高等教育的过渡是无缝的 当她从为客户辩护变成为学生辩护的时候.

Allana的热情包括公平工作和社区指导. In her spare time, 她为研究生教授高等教育法律和政策. She also enjoys poetry, podcasts, and game night.

Fonnie Baarmand (She/her)Fonnie Headshot

Assistant Vice President of People & Culture, Director of Compliance


Fonnie serves as the Assistant Vice President of People & Culture, and Director of 杰克逊维尔大学人文办公室的合规性. 

她在高等教育领域有超过18年的经验,曾任职于人力资源, environmental health & 安全,合规监督,风险管理,大学保险 采购,法律案件管理和第九章协调. 

Fonnie在人力资源实践的设计和实施方面具有丰富的经验 是否创建并执行了许多全校范围内有效的合规项目 such as training & 发展,企业风险管理,以及政策和程序 确保适当的广泛问责制和存在升级程序 all areas. 

她获得了纳皮尔大学的人力资源学士学位 毕业于苏格兰大学,并在佛罗里达获得工商管理硕士学位 Institute of Technology. 

丰尼的目标是与所有部门合作,促进多样性和公平性 以及在招聘、保留和员工发展方面的包容性. 


Gaby Coelho (She/her)


People & Culture Business Partner


Gaby Coelho(她/她)为杰克逊维尔大学服务 & Culture Business Partner in the Office of People and Culture. Having studied Psychology and Sociology 在本科阶段,她喜欢和人打交道,了解人. Her 最重要的目标是积极地影响她的工作对象的生活. She 喜欢不断学习和接受挑战,并有追求毕业的目标 education. When she is 不工作的时候,加布喜欢去海滩、跑步、做饭、户外活动 and listening to live music. 

Telephone number  (904) 256-7279
Email address 

Portrait of Olivia Crews

Olivia Crews (She/her)

HRIS Analyst


Olivia Crews joins the Office of People & Culture as HRIS Analyst. Her background 在财务和客户服务部通过分析报告,流程为团队提供服务 improvements, and new technology implementation.

她非常高兴能继续在校园建立关系,并期待着未来 to meeting new people. 奥利维亚目前正在攻读工商管理硕士学位 at Jacksonville University. In her spare time, Olivia enjoys live music, making hot 她总是愿意接受关于她下一个Netflix的建议 or podcast binge.

Lauren Draughorne (She/her)

People & Culture Business Partner


Lauren Draughorne (she/her) serves as the People & Culture Business Partner for the Office of People and Culture at Jacksonville University. Lauren has five years of 有在高等教育机构工作的经验,强调多样性、公平性和 Inclusion. 她已经获得了心理学学士学位,并计划继续深造 her master’s degree.

在JU工作之前,她在多元文化事务部工作,提供多元文化 trainings and events for faculty, staff, and students. Aside from Lauren’s professional 责任,劳伦是一个真正的DIY狂热者,有一个严肃的爱植物,和 loves all things Arts & Crafts.

Telephone number  (904) 256-7699

Email address


Laurie Philpot

People & Culture Business Partner L.Philpot Headshot


Laurie Philpot(她/她)最近加入了杰克逊维尔大学 & 人与文化办公室文化业务合作伙伴. She previously supported 作为一个多元文化、全球化的员工,她很高兴能成为热情和包容的一部分 culture at JU. 

Laurie holds a B.S. degree in Marketing. She has been living in the Jacksonville area for over 20 years, but originally hails from Pittsburgh. In her free time, she enjoys 旅行,阅读,烹饪,与家人和宠物一起在户外度过时光.

Telephone number   (904) 256-7201

Email address 


Jasmine Whiteside (She/her)

People & Culture Business Partner


J. Whiteside Headshot

Jasmine (she/her) is the People & Culture Business Partner for the Office of People and Culture at Jacksonville University. 有人事背景,她处理过各种各样的任务,比如 循环招聘,客户管理,国际和国内工资. She holds 她拥有心理学学士学位,正在考虑攻读组织领导学硕士学位.

她的热情在于培养职场关系,努力培养积极的人际关系 and safe environment through collaboration. Always hungry for knowledge, Jasmine is a perpetual learner, eager to explore diverse subjects. She's all ears for recommendations 通过引人入胜的书籍和电影,让全球网络赌博平台得以一窥不同的文化和地区 of the world.

工作之余,Jasmine在空中和流动艺术中寻找乐趣,尝试新的艺术 厨房里的食谱,培育她越来越多的植物.

Telephone number  (904) 256-7201

Email address 



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为了更好地为大学服务,人事办公室 & Culture assigns a People & Culture Business Partner to each college/organization at JU. The specific 下面列出的领域,这样你就知道谁是你的专业人士 & Culture Business Partner is. 请注意,全球网络赌博平台仍然是一个团队——如果您有任何疑问时,您的业务 Partner is out, we are all here to serve you.


Lauren Draughorne

  • Aramark
  • Davis College of Business (DCOB)
    • Accounting, Finance, & DSIM
    • Aviation
    • Business
    • Career Resource Center
    • Communications
    • Computing Science
    • Engineering
    • 管理,通信,市场营销,国际商务 & Sports
    • NROTC
    • Physics
  • Enrollment Management 
    • Admissions
    • Graduate Admissions
    • Student Accounts
    • Student Financial Assistance
    • Student Financial Services
  • People & Culture
  • President's Office 
  • Strategic Events

Gaby Coelho

  • Academic Affairs
    • Registrar's Office
    • Service Learning
    • The Advising Center
  • Beach BLVD Healthcare Simulation Center
  • College of Healthcare Sciences (BRCHS)
    • Comm Sciences & Disorders
    • Kinesiology
    • Mental Health Counseling
    • Nursing
    • Orthodontic Clinic
    • School of Orthodontics
  • Library
  • Student Affairs
    • Campus Security
    • Disability Student Services
    • Equity & Inclusion
    • Jax Rec Well
    • Military & Veterans Resources
    • Residential Life
    • Student Activities
    • Student Counseling
    • Student Engagement and Leaders
    • Student Experience
    • Student Health Center
    • Varsity Sports (Sailing & Shooting)

Laurie Philpot

  • External Affairs
    • University Marketing & Communications
    • University Advancement Administration
  • College of Fine Arts (LBSCFA)
    • Humanities
    • Literature, Language, & Culture
    • Music
    • Theatre Arts
    • Media Arts
    • Visual Arts
  • College of Law

Jasmine Whiteside

  • Wilma's Little People School
  • Financial Affairs Administration
    • Information Technology
    • Purchasing (Imaging & Post Office)
    • Resource Management
    • Controller's Office
  • Athletics Administration
    • Athletics Sports
  • College of Arts & Sciences
    • Biology & Marine Science
    • Economics
    • Physics
    • Education
    • Social Sciences
    • Sociology & Criminology
    • Sustainability, Geography, & Environment
    • Psychology
    • History, Political Science, & Economics
    • Science & Math
    • Chemistry
  • MSRI 
    • St. Johns River Keeper
    • FL Fish  Wildlife
    • Public Policy